Ouch, ganirelix is no way to wake up!

So Feb. 2 is my birthday, and at 730am I had to wake up Andy to give me the ganirlex shot.  He followed up with a “Happy Birthday, honey”.  That shot doesn’t hurt going in, but boy for 20 minutes after provides lots of stinging, sometimes sharp and quick sometimes long and dull.

I didn’t have to go in to do bloodwork or ultrasound which was nice.  Increasingly, i’ve been having the pins in my ovaries, guess they’re working hard!

Had birthday breakfast in bed of omelette and pancakes, and a beautiful rendition of happy birthday!  Andy got me a “Yonana” and a juicer.  We used the yonana to make banana and strawberry “ice cream” to go with the yummy cake.  Campbell and i went for a manicure and then came back to do crafts before we got ready to leave for dinner.  Had a great night with several friends downtown but came home to two more shots.

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