Can’t believe Ruffles and Bows in our future!

I am SHOCKED!  We found out this morning from the NIPT test that we’re having a girl!  I can’t remember exactly how the phone call went but she said it’s a female, and I screamed WHAT????  And then I balled for a couple of minutes.  I guess I really wanted a little girl, but wouldn’t let myself get my hopes up!

I feel a great responsibility having a girl, so much more so than a with my son.  Like I need to be a good role model, I need to do things the right way, etc.  Whew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

I am still in shock! Wow!

12 weeks looking good

Had my 12 week MFM appt and the ultrasound looked great.  Baby was squirming all around- so hard to believe what we were seeing when i couldn’t feel it!  NT fold and nasal cavity looked normal.  Took blood test for other screenings, but based on PGS testing doctor feels like baby is healthy, but we should know the baby sex within the week because of the test.  Heartbeat was 154 and sounded good!

9 weeks 6 days


Baby is right on track, measuring 9 week 6 days, 165 hb.  We even got a little hand wave!

It really doesn’t feel real, and neither my husband nor I have embraced it at all.  I’m not showing, so it’s not apparent to anyone.

There’s also the problem of possibility of my husband being infected with Zika.  We don’t have results from his blood test yet, but he tested neg for dengue, positive for chikungunya and no results yet for zika.  Uggh.  Still waiting.