Crazy Dreams

75101bSo for the last 5 weeks or so I’ve been having these crazy dreams, usually violent, and usually me screaming, fighting or kicking someone.  Often times these tirades are out loud and my poor hubby is awoken to me kicking, punching or screaming.  I always wake up then and remember exactly what the dream was.  Often times it involves babies, puppies or my dog, Stella.  Someone stealing them, taking them, misplacing them etc.

Besides the actual dream, the fun part is that I soak the sheets with night sweats when these dreams happen.  Sometimes 2 – 3 times that night. Good times…

Week 9

Still tired, still nauseous, and still totally unfocused at work.  Hope in a couple of weeks that these symptoms will subside.  Excited that my injections end next Friday- WOO HOO!  I’m still taking the progesterone nightly and the delestrogen every 3rd night.


I sleep about 9-10 hours a night and always wake up exhausted.  I often sneak a nap of 30-90 minutes a day in.  I’m so lucky working for myself from home I can set my own schedule.  When I started my business, this was part of the allure and it’s sure paying off now!

I think smells bother me alot now too and my boobs are still big but i don’t think they’re getting bigger at the moment.  I’ve been very out of breath all of the time, and guess it might be just because I’m out of shape?

Have started telling very close friends but still want to be reserved about it until we go through the tests at 12 weeks.

Week 8

Pretty uneventful…I’ve been in California with Andy for a mini vacation and conference.  I got the most wonderful facial at Pebble Beach spa yesterday and we had a great dinner last night in Carmel with some others from the conference.

As for symptoms, just kind of tired, less nauseous, some pulling pains, but that’s about it.  Two more weeks until the next ultrasound, but by then I’ll be 11 weeks, so hopefully we’ll see more baby!  I think it’s the size of a raspberry?  Yum!

New doctor visit, ultrasound #2

Very excited to have met Dr. Renzi this morning for a new patient appointment.  The office staff were nice, the nurse had a good sense of humor and the sonogram tech was very easy to work with.  All in all, it was a great visit.

They had me in quickly, and as my first order of business was to give a urine sample, they escorted Andy back to the exam room.  When I was finished, the nurse walked me into the exam room where Andy was waiting…of course on the table with his feet in the stirrups.  The nurse laughed and I think I was more embarrassed than Andy!

We had left our things in the exam room and had an office visit with Dr. Renzi.  He spent about 30-40 minutes with us talking through our histories, etc.  He was very thorough!  We both left feeing very comfortable with him and the practice.  I think we found our doctor.

AND we got to do another ultrasound and HEARD the baby’s heartbeat, at 133bpm!  it is measuring about 1.9cm which is about a half of an inch and 7 weeks 3 days, right on schedule!

Here’s a little picture of monkey…



Now we wait for next doctor appointment on June 3….going to be a long wait!

Week 7 starts today.

As for me, all of my pregnancy symptoms come and go.  Sometimes exhausted, Week 7sometimes nauseous, sometimes fine.  I’ve gotten into a bad habit of sucking on peppermints all day, which is helping the nausea but not good for my teeth.

I took my first of my weekly belly pix today at 7 weeks.  The only belly i have is progesterone/food baby 🙂 I guess we’ll see progress as it grows!

Sadly, some of my girls from the fertility forum have had miscarriages or chemical pregnancies.  It freaks me out a bit that I don’t have a doctor appointment for another 3.5 weeks.  Hopefully they’ll do an ultrasound or some sort of test to make sure I’m on track…

So, after I met with Dr. Wolfgram, I started thinking about the 9 doctors in his practice that I’ll have to see, meaning that I won’t know the delivery doctor very well, because I will only have seen them a few times.

I called Shady Grove back to ask if I could come back in to see them in a few weeks because I didn’t have an OB, and they said no, that I have to see an OB 😦  I still can’t believe they released me at just 6 weeks, but it shouldn’t surprise me the way the run patients through there!

Graduation from Shady Grove RE

So yesterday, we were sent on our way to the OB, and Shady Grove has graduated us.  It’s scary to think this part is over and I can’t imagine not going back to the office a couple of times a week. Let alone not seeing what is going on with the baby.

I went to meet a new OB yesterday, Dr. Wolfgram, and he seemed quite nice and calming.  I thought it would be a regular GYN appointment, but they turned it into my first OB appointment.  That means that they walked me through the due date (December 28) and talked to me about the early stages of pregnancy, etc.  He did a physical exam, and then gave me an order for a 1st trimester screening, OB sonogram and genetic counseling for women who will be 40 (or near 40) at the Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Genetics office.  That is set for June 17.

As for me, I continue to be nauseous on and off all day.  The good news is that I’m not throwing up (yet), but the bad news is that I’m eating all day to avoid feeling nauseous and putting on weight.  I’m going to look into working with a nutritionist because I don’t think I can do this by myself.  I’m already at a weight I haven’t seen since 2004, and the baby is only the size of a pea… My boobs are already huge and I can’t even imagine what they’re going to end up like…Andy is incredibly supportive and without him this would be so much harder.  I’m very lucky!